Workout Programs
How to Use the Programs
DELOAD BLISS BUILDING WORKOUT PROGRAM (High Frequency, Low INTENSITY). This program comes with a PDF AND MP3 where I explain the main goals of this workout. This program accentuates the EASING INTO results aspect of training without the pulverizing of the joints and recovery system often used in most workout programs. Those are not wrong, but like anything, you can do it too much and then the body starts to resist the process instead of working with it. This is why this workout is meant to reset the system and also give you time to reassess exercise form and techniques. This is a program which includes the exercises, sets and reps for ONE WEEK of training which is then REPEATED over the next month. It gives you a guideline to follow, but you can also replace exercises given in this program with your own favourites or just merely experiment with variations all the way through.
Beginner HOME Workout Program
2 DAY SPLIT, "A" program
Get ALL FOUR 2 DAY SPLIT PROGRAMS A-D and receive a MASSIVE Discount of $97. USE each program for 3 weeks to several months before moving to the next program. Each program grows upon the results from the previous to produce a synergistic effect in MUSCLE GROWTH and STRENGTH. PLEASE DOWNLOAD RIGHT AWAY AFTER PURCHASING as the link will expire shortly after purchase. MOUNTAIN.
PLEASE DOWNLOAD RIGHT AWAY AFTER PURCHASING as the link will expire shortly after purchase. MOUNTAIN.
Super HIGH FREQUENCY PROGRAM ASUPER HIGH FREQUENCY WORKOUT PROGRAM. This program is for veterans of frequency training who wish to engage in more frequency in their training to gain the benefits of strength gain and muscle mass inherent from training more frequently. The perpetual pump from this type of training is also quite enjoyable and can be motivation to train more often. DO NOT USE THIS PROGRAM if you have not finished the 2 DAY SPLIT PROGRAMS A-D. Those programs will help prepare you for this type of training. MOUNTAIN! |
SUPER HIGH FREQUENCY WORKOUT "A" PROGRAM. This program is for veterans of frequency training who wish to engage in more frequency in their training to gain the benefits of strength gain and muscle mass inherent from training more frequently. The perpetual pump from this type of training is also quite enjoyable and can be motivation to train more often. DO NOT USE THIS PROGRAM if you have not finished the 2 DAY SPLIT PROGRAMS A-D. Those programs will help prepare you for this type of training. MOUNTAIN!
3 DAY SPLIT B PROGRAM PDF3 DAY SPLIT B PROGRAM PDF by Jason Gallant. This program is a continuation of the 3 DAY SPLIT program and should be used after the A program is used for at least 3 weeks or more. A couple of months is best. There are no refunds. |
3 DAY SPLIT "B" PROGRAM PDF by Jason Gallant. This program is a continuation of the 3 DAY SPLIT program and should be used after the A program is used for at least 3 weeks or more. A couple of months is best. This program has higher volume like the first, along with a combination of heavier weights and lighter days to enhance recover and hypertrophy. Don't get this program if you're not ready to GROW like a MOUNTAIN!
WHOLE BODY, 3 DAY PER WEEK, A PROGRAMWHOLE BODY, 3 DAY PER WEEK, "A" PROGRAM. Not everyone has 5-6 days a week to go to the gym. And for that reason, I designed my 3 DAY PER WEEK series. As you work through the workouts, they will get a little longer than if you were going to the gym every day, but that's one of the reasons why training 3 days a week can be an effective way to gain muscle and build strength. There will be two weeks specified in this program, the rest and sets will be different in both in order to sneak some variation into the workouts, but don't worry. Just because you're working out only 3 days, doesn't mean that results won't come. If this is the type of training that resonates with you, then this series of programs may be a good idea for you to try.
WHOLE BODY, 3 DAY PER WEEK, "B" PROGRAMWHOLE BODY, 3 DAY PER WEEK, "B" PROGRAM. This program is the next level in the whole body 3 DAY per week program. Each workout will take you an hour to an hour and half to complete roughly, and is designed to hit your major muscle groups. If you wish, you can do a little ab work on the days off in between, but because you're using the major lifts and are working the core so often, I've found that most people can get away with very little ab work in isolation form. Good luck!
This Video Will Give You Some Idea of What is in the Workout Programs
My whole life has been plagued by health issues
Malnourished, depressed, lost, I was just told I had ibs and that it was all in my head.
At the age of 13 my Mom begged my gastro to get a Celiac panel in which I tested positive.
Happy to know I’m not crazy, however i still was not feeling good. Diagnosed with anxiety and ibs still.
People would make fun of me for being small, weak, and skinny. I always dreamed of being bigger and stronger.
Due to my health issues I was afraid to eat and getting to the gym wasn’t very easy to say the least. So I researched and researched and researched.
At 17, I came across a brilliant human being. His name is Jason Gallant. I soaked up his knowledge through every upload.
Throughout this time I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis. I was put on a steroid, I wasn’t cured by any means but it helped me pursue a dream.
At 18 I began working out finally. Fluctuating between 125-130 at 5’8. For the first 2 months I followed a dumb beginner program that I was not happy with and was losing motivation. Eating was a struggle and i became depressed.
That was until I followed Jason’s 2 day beginner split and listened to my body. I started craving food and just eating and eating. Excited for the next workout.
After the first program i bought the next and then the next. Fast forward 4 months. I gained 30 lbs.
Bench press went from 135 for 1. To 135 for 3 sets of 15
Squat from 180 to 225 for REPS
I think you get the point :).
I got sick again however and changed gastros.
I’m 19 now and through medication and lifestyle I’m in remission currently.
About to head to the gym to go crush a GALLANTIAN workout actually!
Thank you Jason for not only teaching us how to take care of our body inside the gym but also outside the gym. The mind is a powerful thing and your style truly is unprecedented.
I’m honored to be able to support you as well as being a GALLANTIAN.
Because of you spreading your knowledge it in turn is allowing me to pursue a dream. I even found something to pursue as a career doing so.
Forever thankful,
You suck and I hate your channels.
Just Joking!!
I can imagine the face you have saying like "the balls on this guy!"
😡 lol
The Truth
A Big Thank You
I've been watching your channel for the past 5 months and have purchased part A and B of your bodybuilding programs. Before I go further I would like to give you a bit of background. This may help with your research, inspiration, or gratification in your bodybuilding journey.
I've been working out since I was 13 years old with a childhood friend of mine whose father was a natural bodybuilder and taught the both of us, but I did not take it seriously until 20 years old. I've been taught to do a 5 day split high volume for the past 7 years (I'm 27 now) and have been stuck at a weight of 156 (I was 120 pounds when I started).
As you know, I was distraught and lost all hope in bodybuilding thinking this was the only way to gain and if you don't gain with this method you are genetically considered unfit for bodybuilding. I was very close to giving up, I had strength I was doing:
90lb dumbbell Overheads
225lb Squats
60lb dumbbells shoulder presses
just to name a few, but it was displeasing that I was stuck at this weight and my physique wasn't all great. On top of that I was suffering with depression and self-conflict.
OK enough of the depressing stuff. I finally got a hold and started taking care of myself; tried therapy and meditation, the meditation was the best thing I ever did in my life it made me see so much more in life then I ever did before. That is where I came across your other channel Jason Gallant where you were teaching meditation and I thought wow this guy is really down to earth and actually knows what hes talking about (having suffered so much and understanding what its like to be there).
Then from there I saw your bodybuilding channel on the right side and I started to watch that. I saw your physique and the weight you were doing so easily. My jaw dropped I was like WHAT?! How is this possible hes not even doing volume?! Of coarse I was skeptical, but I was open to change and new methods.
That's when I bought your program and tried out part A. I saw results when I moved on to part B. Now I started believing, but before I would say anything I told myself let me experiment because everyone is different and it may not work for me.
5 months passed I am currently at 162 lbs.
I can finally squat 315.
I am Chest and Shoulder pressing 70 lb dumbbells.
I can overhead 120lb dumbbell.
I truly feel great that I finally broke through my plateau.
I saw your video today about people suggesting a method and they don't even have results or aren't even open to trying different things that may work. This is where I decided to end my experiment and formulate a conclusion that this method truly works for me and may work for others.
It is the truth where you always say everyone is different and that something may work for them, but may not work for you. I've tested this and through my experience the 2 day split is the most efficient for me. I've gotten strength and muscle from it, and through the callus principle I feel in my opinion, muscles are very similar to that (at least for me).
My childhood friend has been around me my whole life started at 120lbs just like me and now weighs around 210lbs. His body is built for the 5 day split, but it is difficult for him with a 2 day split. The theory still applies where everyone is different, it made me realize it even more.
I apologize for such a long email, but I wanted you to know that your research and methods are effective and efficient. This is pretty much a +1 in proving it works.
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, this has changed my life and I am truly grateful.
Thank You Very Much,
16 years old at the time I wondered how on earth can I possible develop amazing natural biceps like that? As Jason poses biceps on front cover of magazine I randomly bought.
Can you believe 17 years later and I'm watching this legends channel and It hasn't even occurred to me that it's him! The same guy! By the time I'd figured out it was him he had already helped me increase my beach press from bashing out 5 - 7 reps with 225 to 20 reps at 225 with ease after just a few short months of following his theory of control and range of motion. What a small world after all!
Jason's fitness channel is the hidden gem of youtube, the kind of channel you find and think wow! I'm early! This guys gonna be huge in a years or so time! And when he is.. damn he won't answer any of my comments! Lol.
But seriously he's an accomplished natural bodybuilder with titles and magazines covers under his belt and his knowledge on bodybuilding is extremely extensive, his knowledge goes beyond the 5 x 5 concensus, I would whole hearty recommend his youtube channel to any aspiring weightlifter for improved gains, safer range of motion, deeper understanding on muscle mind connection, better understanding of muscle anatomy and much much more."
Gary Wright
Having trained with every style of training, and with a variety of different people from different levels of development (ifbb pro to natural pros). I have never met anyone who was so in tune with their body as much as Jason is, I was so intrigued by his training and philosophy that I decided to purchase his programs and watch his videos.
I have to say Jason's style of training really takes the cake, including his volume allocations and "train the muscle, not the joint" philosophy. [Which my physio* agrees with 100%]. This is the first time in 10 years of training that I am not afraid of using higher reps my own range of movement and the results are showing. l will post my results at the end of program D (by the time I reach it, it should be released) and thank you from Down Under! *Physiotherapist is an evidence based health professional, kind of like a Chiropractor but actually has studied 4/5 years of medicine and holds a degree. Spiros Niforos |
I'll make this as short as I can.
I consider myself pretty experienced in bodybuilding as I have tried numerous methodologies and programs, subscribed to all the major bodybuilding magazines for long stretches of time, and have competed 3 times with some pretty good results that I was very proud of (although NOWHERE near Jason's accomplishments lol). I knew Jason from maybe 18 years ago as we trained in the same gym, and it was obvious he had this natural bodybuilding thing figured out based on his own physique and results, as well as his trainees and friends. Due to a little bit of boredom as well as hitting a plateau, it was time for a change. Instead of asking Jason for more free information (which he is already very generous with) I purchased his programs to help support what he is spending countless hours doing for all of our benefit, and to finally ditch what all the major publications preach and what I have routinely followed for the 18 years I have been weightlifting/bodybuilding. The Gallant way works. I have been doing it for maybe 2 months now? And many people frequently comment on the changes they have seen and asked what I have been doing differently, my bodyweight has gone up a few lbs (I am OCD and track EVERYTHING), and......I finally got my arms to my goal of 18"! Thanks Jason Gallant. Was the best money I've ever spent BY FAR! Jon Rainey |